Rules & Regulations
Celebrating 46 Years
of Community Sports Service

Portland Community Bowling League is a private
organization, providing fellowship, unity and communication and dedicated to
creating an environment of pride and a sense of belonging. The membership is
comprised of those individuals who bowl continuously throughout the season,
and shall be non-partial in regards to sex, creed, race, age or sexual
orientation. Attendance and participation means acceptance of the rules and
regulations and any exceptions deemed necessary by League Administration.
The PCBL operates as a nonprofit
organization but occasionally contracts for goods or services with league
members and/or outside vendors. As with all leagues, some
administration positions are paid a nominal fee for their services as
outlined in the rules below.
All scoring and financial records
are kept for a minimum of 90 days as stipulated by USBC standards. If
you have any questions regarding results or payouts, please address them to
League Administration within that 90 day time frame.
Sunday League Rules &
Regulation have developed over several seasons as working rules meeting our
community standards for play. Rolling of a participant's first ball
indicates acknowledgement and acceptance of Sunday League's Rules & Regulations.
Sunday League
Rules & Regulations are considered continuous from season to season.
Unless requested by 67% of the membership before the end of the Spring
season, there is no annual review of rules. "General Play Rules"
may be considered for consideration of revision for the following
season by special request vote of the membership. Any request to alter
or change a rule must be approved by a two thirds majority of all Sunday
League active membership present on the day of voting.
2(b) League Administration may, at their discretion, add a rule for
clarification of existing conditions to Season & Team Formation; Weekly
Fees; Awards Presentation; and any other section other than actual General
Play Rules (see below).
The league is an
active member of the International Gay Bowling Organization (IGBO) since 1982.
The Sunday League
is not a sanctioned USBC league, and in actuality is a 46 year community
service begun by the League Executive Director/Founder and current League Secretary/Advisor for
the benefit and pleasure of agreeable participants. (Agreeable
participants are defined as those individuals who understand that this
League is not governed by USBC rules and is an independently begun and
self-sustaining community event for fun and entertainment.) The Sunday
League follows USBC guide-lines for actual "play" (refer to
Sunday League General
play rules for specifics), and its averages are published nationally in the
IGBO yearbook, effectively making your average acceptable in most IGBO
affiliated tournament.
a. The Sunday League and its leagues are governed by an Operating Board, most with 10 years of experience with our
community bowling leagues. There are no annual elections of officers (see
rules 5c & 5d). Nominations are open every two years (odd years) to either
continue with the current slate of officers or to elect new Leadership.
Nominations take place in the 12th week of bowling, with the elections
taking place in Week 13. (This timing is in place so as not to bump up
against nominations for Sportsmanship Awards and to
eliminate too much paperwork at season end for our bowlers.) A
change in leadership can
also be requested by 67% of the League. In the event of the
resignation of one of the officers, the remaining officers may elect to fill
the void with an acting role until the next election. The "acting"
officer may be chosen from among the existing officers, (serving in a dual
role), or from among the league membership. (See rule 5d)
b. The Sunday League will oversee and organize all bowling
events. The Sunday League Operating Board through the League
Secretary/Treasurer manages the league funds
(which includes collection, banking and accounting) and will ensure funds
are used for league bowling to assure compliance with award presentation
agreements, and securing continuance of the activity. For league fund
protection, the Sunday League Secretary/Treasurer is the only signer on the League Bank Account.
c. The Operating Board may appoint as "Acting Administrator" any
individual who by experience and maturity can comfortably lead and manage
any of the leagues under the administration of the Sunday League. An "Acting Administrator" oversees
the league operations in the stead of the appointed Administrator, and reports to the
Operating Board.
d. The current Operating Board consists of a League
Administrator, a Vice Chair, On-Site Treasurer and a League
Secretary/Treasurer, and an Activites Officer. Positions
of Chair and Vice-Chair are nominated and voted on by the
membership in the Spring Season of each "odd" year. This provides
continuity and experience to the Board. The Operating Board may
appoint replacements to the Board for resignations and/or empty positions.
The decision to replace, is a mutual decision between the remaining league
officers on the Board. An officer can serve in two capacities on the
Board (i.e. Administrator & On-Site Treasurer or other).
e. The League Administrator oversees the League, and is
responsible for the promotion of the league. The Vice Chair is the
support role for the League Administrator in their absence. The onsite League
Treasurer accepts league envelopes and maintain the payment record
of league bowlers. The onsite League Treasurer will also prepare the
funds for deposit. The onsite League Treasurer is compensated at the rate of
fifteen cents (15 cents accounting statements, and final awards preparation.
In combination with maintain the website, and photocopies of weekly
standings, the League Secretary is compensated at the rate of fifty cents (50 cents) per bowler per
f. The Founder retains in perpetuity, the position of Executive Director/Advisor to
ensure the continuity and continuance of the league in the vein in which he
created it. He advises and helps guide the elected administration of
the league. Because this league was begun as a personal venture to
provide an outlet for fellowship and communications between the men and
women of the gay and lesbian community, as long as the Founder wishes to
maintain a function for our community in this capacity it will continue to
be his right. While this is a league, it maintains it's function as a
social organization providing unity, communication and fellowship for all
members of our community and beyond.
The Rose Bowl Classic is an annual invitational tourney open to international
competition for cash and awards. The event will use scratch scores and
handicaps. This event is self sustaining and Sunday League funds are not crossed over for eventual use as prize funds
except as announced at Season End parties, as allowed by King Pins. The Rose Bowl Classic is operated by a separate
1. Each Sunday League Bowling season is split into halves, Fall & Winter. Each
half-season will consist of 14-16 league dates.
2. Any bar, organization, business or group of individuals may enter a team.
3. The Sunday League Board oversees the Sunday noon league. Weekly
dues are $20.00 per session. Membership is limited by the number of
available lanes and participation will be limited to the first
pre-registered teams meeting the following requirements: 1.) Names, phone
numbers and addresses of the 4 team members; 2.) a permanent team name; 3.)
Designated Captain; 4.) registration fee of $43.00 per person which prepays
the first and last session plus a $3.00 administrative fee (total of $172.00 per
team). This fee is non-refundable and
non-transferable. Any bowler
beginning the
season, and later drops, loses his/her final session $20.00 whether paid by
that person or by the team. That $20.00 covers computer set up and team
scoring re-adjustment costs.
Should a member have pre-paid for the entire season and drops out by
mid-season for work, health or other critical neccessities (other than just
not incorrigibility with team members), they are entitled to a refund of
their remaining dues, less what has already been used plus membership fee.
They forfeit any rights to season end payouts.
4. Team Captain's responsibilities:
a. An accurate totaling of individual and team scores
b. Arranging for alternate
bowlers in cases of absentees.
c. Collecting weekly fees of $80 and paying to On-site
d. Insuring that all team members read and understand the Sunday
League & Regulations.
Alternates/Substitutes may be used whenever a team member
cannot be present, or in the event that a team member should drop out.
(Alternates/Substitutes negotiate with the their
team as to who will pay for their fees for
If a Sub or Alternate joins a team after the league
beginning, to replace a dropped member, they must pay in advance, their
final league date dues and a $3.00 membership fee.
5a. For definition purposes: Alternates are considered as part of a
team and should pay their own way, unless there is a prior arrangement
amongst the team. SUBSTITUTES are typically floaters who offer to aid
a team by bowling with them to give the team a compliment of bowlers.
There is no hard fast rule, but it is typically the proper etiquette
for the team requesting the Substitute to pay for the Substitute, as it is
the missing bowler's responsibility to have paid. Alternates
who bowl more than half a season (8 of `14, or 9 of 16 seasons are entitled
to partial reimbursement for the number of weeks they bowled.
6. For purposes of
definition: An Alternate is an individual who bowls only with the
designated team and must pay the $3.00 membership fee.
Alternates must be claimed by the 10th Session of the season in order to
bowl in the final two weeks of bowling, including the final playoff round.
(An alternate must have an established history with the team within the
final four weeks of the season.) A Substitute is a bowler who is willing to
fill in on any given team for various sessions. See rule 5a above.
7. A
Team cannot change its team name after the 3rd Session. (Most
documentation, lane sheets, house and league computations have been set for
the season by the 3rd Session.
The Sunday League
endeavors to follow many guidelines of USBC for
general play. Specifically, ABC Chapter II regarding Game Definition,
scoring, fouls, pinfall, forfeiture and bowling balls (Rules 2, 3a-h, 4a-d,
5a-f, 6a-b, 7a-c, 8,9,10,11,12,17a, 18 & 19). Additionally, Chapter IV
League Rules regarding actual bowling, order, failures, forfeitures,
dismissals, scoring and averages (Rules 105a-b, 106a-g, 107a-b,d, 108a-b,
109a-f, 110, 111b-e, 112,113, 114a-c, 116a-b, 118a-c). All of Chapter V
regarding equipment and Chapter X regarding handicap procedure.
A legal lineup for a team is four (4) members, plus a limit of two (2)
regular alternates. (An alternate is defined as an individual who bowls
only with your team as a regular fill-in for a missing bowler.) If a
team member is absent, and no alternate is available, the absent bowler's
average, minus ten (10) pins (plus full handicap) is used to calculate
the team score, but only a.) after a current year average has been
established and b.) only four times throughout the season half.
All league sessions must be bowled as scheduled unless authorized to
"pre-bowl" by League Administration. All teams must bowl
the final session of each half of a season - there are no pre-bowls for that
session. No subs can be used on the final position round
day. There are no makeups after a
scheduled date. If a whole team miss occurs on any given date
without extreme cause, they forfeit that session's
games and any points and must pay their regular dues plus a $2.50 late fine
per bowler.
c. A team must pre-bowl together at an agreed upon scheduled time.
There is NO individual makeup bowling: The team bowls as a whole unit or
uses a designated sub. We understand that last minute emergencies can
cause a team to bowl a sudden makeup. However, it is common league
courtesy to notify the team that your team was to bowl and allow them the
opportunity to bowl against you during a makeup session. The opposing
team must be able to fit into the schedule of the team making the request.
d. If an alternate is used, their score is used in place of the
regular bowler. (This rule also applies to Substitutes.) If the alternate has
a verifiable established average with another league, that average will be
used. If the alternate/substitute has no previous average from any other
league, the alternate's handicap will be calculated after 3 games have been
bowled. Until the alternate has 2 sessions (6 games) with the
Sunday League and a
set handicap, an adjustment of 10 points off the manually calculated
handicap will be assessed. Handicaps for substitutes/alternates will not be
retroactive to previous sessions.
e. If there are not at least 2 regular members
present, the game is forfeited; no makeup allowed.
f. If a team has a vacant spot at anytime during the season, it is
the responsibility of the team to locate amongst their own friends or the
community to fill the vacancy. The team is allowed a score of 120,
plus 80 pins of handicap for the first three sessions of vacancy.
After those three sessions, whether or not the position has had an
occasional substitute, the vacancy score drops to 110, with 80 pins of
handicap. In another three sessions, the score drops to 100, with 80
pins of handicap. The drop of 10 pins re-occurs after every
three weeks. This rules was voted upon by the membership in 2000 in
hopes that it would encourage teams to replace their vacancies. (It
didn't seem quite fair that full paying teams have to deal with a full 600
series provided indefinitely.) g. If a lane
breakdown requires a team to move to a new pair of lanes, it is at
the discretion of League Administration whether or not they can practice on
those new pair of lanes dependent on the conditions in which they had to
move. The team should be offered at that opportunity, and the team may
refuse to practice for the sake of timing.
h. During the first 2 Week of a New Season, while averages
and handicaps are being set for the season, if a team should be missing a
player, a blind score of 120 plus a handicap of 80 will be used per game,
to calculate the team score. Teams cannot use a missing bowler's average
minus ten from a previous season until they begin bowling again.
i. During the opening 2 weeks, when teams are still joining, and
shuffling players, post makeups and individual makeups are allowed to bring
teams and individuals up to speed with the rest of the league. All
post bowls for any of the first
two weeks of scores must be accomplished prior to Week 3 to allow for
Standings calculations.
j. PRE-BOWLS: The Sunday League tries to be flexible and allow
for various commitments of our team members outside agendas.
However, we do need to draw a line as to how many sessions any team can
pre-bowl. That limit is set at 4 per half. That is 29% of the
fall, and 25% of the spring sessions. Any sessions beyond 4 are
considered forfeits.
k. All teams MUST BOWL in the final session of the season or
During the final session of the season, regular team members or a
regular team alternate must be used. No outside substitutes can be used.
Alternates need to have been claimed by at least the 10th session of the
season in order to be considered an alternate on a team. There are no
replacements or substitutions during the final two weeks of bowling.
l. Team formation and membership is the responsibility of the forming team
captain/leader. League officials are not responsible to interfere and
referee any team disputes. It is in the team's realm of authority to
maintain or relieve any member who is not compatible with team values,
morals or compatibility. Should this happen, it is the "removed" team
member's responsiblity to either find another team or to leave the league.
There are no refunds of fees or sessions paid in these instances.
INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES: A bowling average is determined by dividing the
total number of pins credited to a bowler, by the number of games bowled in
the season. Individual handicap will be 90% of 230, with a maximum
handicap of 120. Handicaps are set
after two sessions (6 games) of bowling with the Sunday League. (Substitute
or regular Bowlers entering the league
at mid-season will have their handicap calculated after 6 games.)
b. For the first 2 session, handicaps for returning bowlers
will be their final highest average from the prior year. New bowler's
handicaps will be calculated after the first 2 sessions have been bowled and
retroactively placed in the first 2 session score tabulations. Thereafter,
the handicap will be calculated from the cumulative bowling scores.
c. Because the Sunday League bowls in two halves the rules have been
amended to reflect those bowlers returning in January for the Winter-Spring
league. In the beginning of the second half in January, returning bowlers
will "continue on" with their averages from the first half.
Bowlers returning from the previous Spring season, will use their old
handicap for the first two sessions until they have established a new
average/handicap. Brand new bowlers, who have never bowled in either
the immediately previous Fall, or prior Spring, will
still require 2 sessions to establish an average.
d. All averages are reported to IGBO for publication in their
national book. Most IGBO affiliated tournaments will use your un-sanctioned
Sunday League average should it be higher than a USBC sanctioned average. For
purposes of season handicaps reported, averages will a composite score of
both season halves.
e. Four misses throughout the season and a team member is out of competition for
individual awards, even if the team should win.
4. PUNCTUALITY: Bowlers coming
into a regular league session after the 3rd frame will begin in the frame currently
underway, and will lose the opportunity to regain those lost pins in opening
frames. Any team creating a stall tactic to wait for a missing or late
bowler will be penalized with the loss of points for that particular game.
SCORES: When a team is missing a third or fourth bowler, and it is
an unpaid position, the league will provide a blind score of 120 pins plus
80 pins of handicap for the missing bowler. It is expected that the team
will find their own teammate from among their friends. However, after 3
sessions that blind score drops to 110 with the handicap remaining at 80;
and after 3 more session drops to 100 with the handicap remaining at 80; and continues at that level until the team
places a bowler into that position.
WEEKLY FEES: The TEAM CAPTAIN will be responsible to collect
weekly fees of $80.00 each session and bring those funds to the LEAGUE
Either an alternate pays fees or the missing
team member pays for the missed date. NO RAINCHECKS!
(We must fulfill league guarantees to the Bowling House or lose our
As stated previously, new members coming into the league after the first
session must pay their final week's dues in addition to the current week in
which they are bowling. The same holds true for any sub or alternate
bowling in the final session. Even though the team has paid its first
and last week's dues, the setting up and computer handling of subs and
alternates creates extra computer
Individual or team scores will be withheld from weekly
tallies until missed fees are paid.
Members who are two sessions delinquent in fees for missed dates will be
suspended from league activity and their average cannot be used...a blind
score fo 120 with 80 pins of handicap will be used. Members who are not current on league fees
will be excluded from receiving trophies or awards.
BOUNCED CHECKS will require full reimbursement by the next league date
or the bowler may be barred from participation. Because we are
non-profit with free checking, banks now charge us a $25.00
handling charge per bounced check. If a bowler bounces two checks, the
league will no longer accept checks from that individual.
f. Should a team
member change teams during a season, moving their league dues to a new team
creates too many complications in accounting for both the team they leave,
and the team they join. A departing team member (leaving the league)
loses their payments and is not entitled to payouts. Payments are
applied to teams and not individuals. It should be clearly understood
by each bowler that league end payouts are based on team, not on
individuals. Additionally, subs and alternates are not entitled to payouts.
This rule also applies to an individual bowler who either leaves of their
own accord or is dismissed by a team due to incompatibility.
g. Substitutes and Alternates are
not automatically entitled to season end payouts. It is left up to
each team to determine if they wish to reimburse a substitute or an
alternate out fo the season-end cash distribution. This is between the
team and the individual.,Under our long standing rules to be a qualified
member of the league, an individual must have paid their $3.00
administrative fee by the 10th Session, at the latest.
This can be a complicated decision, but if there is no 4th member left by
season send, any alternate is paid based on a formula of how many sessions
they actually bowled. The original team meber forfeits their payments
to the prize fund by virtue of their leaving the league. The league
understands that in special circumstances such as health, excpetions can be
made, and will be determine the League Administration.. Only four (4) awards
presented per team, in spite of various alternates or substitutes.
h. Qualified
Payouts: Each team member is required to pay $20 per week, plus an initial
$3.00 membership fee. Throughout the season, the PCBL publishes a
Payment Record for each team. If a team is short funds at season end,
their payout envelopes are adjusted to reflect the funds that are short.
Should this situation arise from a team short a member, where they gain a
team member before season end, that new member will be awarded a payout
based on a percentage of their payments into the prize fund. If
applicable, any previous payments by a departed team member are not
transferable (see rule Section B, Rule 3(b) or Section 7(d) for further
Team or Player. A player or team may be dismissed from the league for
any of the following reasons:
1. Conduct derogatory to the best interest of the league.
2. Starting or being involved in a fight on the lanes for whatever reason.
3. Continued violation (Two or more violations) of any Sunday league rule(s).
4. Team with two weeks past due in league fees, or an
individual with three or more weeks past
due in league fees
Inflammatory Conduct on the part of any bowler during bowling activity,
disruptive to team play is considered grounds for requesting that the bowler
leave the premises. If the bowler refuses to obey the request of league
administration, they can face permanent dismissal. Should a request to leave
be issued, the bowler's score is "fixed" where play ended for purposes of
determining the team score.
Any bowler who either arrives or appears under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, and
is acting obnoxious enough to disturb fellow bowlers, will be asked to leave
the premises. Should they refuse to leave, they will be permanently
dismissed from the league.
Any bowler who withdraws from the league of their own accord, or is
dismissed by Sunday League action, forfeits all previously paid league dues, and any
other prize money for which they may have been eligible.
For dismissal procedures, the Sunday League Administration will use USBC rules
115a/b "as a guideline," except for any that directly refer to USBC
involvement. Where appropriate, the general membership may be asked to
participate with their opinion to the Board.
RANDOM DIVISIONS: Whenever possible the Sunday league will be divided into
divisions, decided by random draw of Team Captains. Dividing Sunday teams does
not mean that you will be bowling only teams in your Division. The
Sunday League uses a pre-set schedule pre-determined by USBC. Using our Divisions
is only a means to allow for
more random winners of awards. The dividing level will be 14 teams - 2 divisions; 21 teams
- 3 divisions; 32+ teams - 4 divisions.
b. AWARDS PRESENTATIONS: Team awards will be given at season end to the top teams in each division. The PCBL typically awards dated silver
dollars in place of trophies. Since 2008, the price of silver has been outpacing gold for
percent of increase. It may become necessary for league administration
to limit the Silver award to only the top first, or possibly second place
teams of each division. Should silver continue to climb, brass
medallions may be substituted as awards to 2nd or 3rd place team members.
Because the pricing of silver fluctuates daily, the determination for silver
awards presentation will be made by the league administration midway through
a season
c. Depending upon the pricing of silver, at season-end, ties in divisional
races may be decided by determining overall team handicap series score for
awards presentation. If budget permits, league administration
may choose to recognize and honor ties, at their discretion.
d. Season records (high scratch series, high scratch game, high handicap
series) both men's and women's division, will be awarded a $10.00 prize award
for placement. To spread out the cash awards presentation, if a bowler
wins in one category, they cannot win in the next category. The award
goes to the next highest.
e. Season records high for Team Scratch Team Total, and Team Handicap Team
Total will be awarded $40 per team, resulting in a $10.00 per member payout.
c. All cash disbursements will be based on the overall
standings of the entire league, not the divisional races.
9. Any
rules regarding scoring and bowling activities shall be
referred to
the Sunday League Administration for determination of ruling. (USBC rulings may be
used where appropriate.)
10. Bowling is for
everyone's enjoyment. Let's keep it enjoyable by acting appropriately.
Non-bowling announcements are at the discretion of the administration and
shall be kept to a minimum.
11. Our
Association is inclusive and not restrictive. We favor the participation of
any "straight but not narrow" individuals who wish to bowl with us including
family members, and friends.
Dependent on the
size of our league, when it is appropriate, we may feature the following
Each session,
league officials sell raffle tickets at 2 for $1.00; 5 for $2.00; 16 for
$5.00, or 36 for $10.00. If there are two colors of tickets sold, during the 3rd game
pne ticket
of each color will be drawn by a non-bowler. The first ticket drawn
will be for cash, and the second ticket will be drawn for cash or a prize (product
or gift card). Because the PCBL makes every effort to return a large
cash prize each Sunday, the secondary prize will vary in value depending
upon the split. Traditionally, The Secretary-Treasurer has acquired
prizes at discount for the secondary drawing. The remaining funds are placed into a General Holding
Account to be returned to the bowlers in cash and prizes at season end. A portion of
our fees may be used to support season end league payouts or donated to the Rose Bowl Classic for general sponsorship.
Some of the proceeds in this account will be held in reserve for
advertising and promotion of our league, the purchase of league pins, 200
Game pins, plaques and or disbursed in cash drawings to regular Sunday
League members at the year end awards party.
Due to some confusion over Ticket Selling, we have adopted the
following operation rules for Raffle Ticket Sales.
1. The Raffle Ticket Coordinator is the role of the Vice Chair of the League. The Coordinator will follow any standing rules for
ticket selling.
2. On opening day, the Raffle Ticket Coordinator will have each team draw
for a date of when they will sell raffle tickets. Should there be an
odd number of teams, the team bowling the "Bye" team will be responsible for
ticket sales. Should a team have already sold tickets as a "Bye" team, but
end up on the final day again bowling a "Bye" team, they still will be
responsible to fill that role of ticket sellers.
3 The Raffle Ticket Coordinator will follow the standard rules of the League
in selling tickets and the drawing of the tickets. The winning tickets
must be drawn by impartial parties, typially a front desk person.
4. All collected funds will be handed to the On-Site Treasurer for totalling
and for determination of disbursement amounts.